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REALTORS® aren't just agents. They're professional members of the National Association of REALTORS® and subscribe to its strict code of ethics.
This is the REALTOR® difference for home buyers:
Interested in a career in Real Estate?
Let us show you how
A career in real estate offers a lifetime of rewards - you'll connect people to the dream of home ownership and get paid for doing it!
The real estate profession has expanded and offers one of the widest career selections in the business world today. Helping people buy and sell homes, office buildings, industrial property and corporation farmland, property management, land development, mortgage banking, urban planning, real estate counseling, appraisal and research are all aspects of a career in real estate.
Advantages and Rewards of a Career in Real Estate
A career in real estate provides flexibility and freedom to set your own pace. Income directly reflects your efforts, with no limits on what astute, hard-working men and women can earn. Successful people in real estate are goal-oriented, persevering, self-motivated, ambitious and people-oriented. The rewards of a real estate career are a potential for high earnings, status in the community, autonomy, time freedom, helping people, the intellectual challenge and the satisfaction from those accomplishments.
What you need to know in preparing for licensure
4125 Occidental Hwy., Adrian, MI 49221, US
Mailing Address: PO Box 425 Adrian, MI 49221 (517) 263-0325
Monday - Thursday: 9am - 4:30pm
(Closed from 12-1 for Lunch)
Friday: 9am-Noon
Saturday/Sunday: Closed
The Lenawee County Association of REALTORS® exists to promote the highest ethical standards and professionalism from our members. We advocate as the voice of real estate, keeping the REALTOR® at the center of all real estate transactions, while striving for diversity of it's membership.
Vision Statement
"To serve, support and inspire excellence"
Interested in a career in Real Estate?
Let us show you how a career in real estate offers a lifetime of rewards - you'll connect people to the dream of home ownership and get paid for doing it!